Monday, February 7, 2011

Super Bowl: Football VS. Commercials

I'm sure there are many football fans who roll over in their graves every year because the day after the Super Bowl it isn't just the game we talk about, it's also about the commercials. How did our society every come to this? We hate commercials, will do anything to eliminate them from our everyday TV viewing, but not on Super Bowl Sunday. The commercials that are shown during the Super Bowl have become part of our tradition, elevated and anticipated.

There is no argument on who won the Super Bowl, the winner is the team with the most points after the clock reaches zero at the end of the fourth quarter. You score points by reaching the opposing team's end-zone, ball in hand adhering to a very specific list of rules. (Nice job Packers!) But who won best commercial and why?

Super Bowl commercials tend to be funnier, more risque, slicker, have more celebrity cameos, and cost a lot more money to make, produce and to run on national television than their every-day counterparts. So why isn't there a trophy for that? I guess it's because it's subjective than crossing a line first, or getting an object into a net. Rating a commercial is more like rating diving or ski/snoboarding/skateboard jumps, it is subjective.

Most news outlets have weighed in on this question, here are my choice, Volkswagon Darth Vader commercial, it appealed to everyone, was unexpected & memorable. I also have to add my two-cents for Chrysler's 200 commercial featuring Eminem. Born in raised in the outskirts of the Detroit suburbs it gave me goosebumps, hope & pride.  Good job Chrysler!

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