Friday, April 29, 2011

Apple VS. Microsoft—and a Royal Wedding

Well it is all over the news today, (if you can get past all the Royal Wedding news & actually find some happenings with a little more substance) Apple's quarterly profit was more than Microsoft's for the first time since 1991. Much of this success is due to Apple's iPad and the decline of personal purchases of inexpensive netbooks, which saw a healthy increase during the recession. While this role reversal is newsworthy, Microsoft is still humming along, no cause for alarm. Microsoft saw an increase in hardware & software purchases from corporations, cementing their good-health. Check out the Washington Post's story for more information.

 Cheers to William & Kate, now let's get back to business!

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

25th Anniversary of Chernobyl

Today marks the 25th anniversary of the Chernobyl nuclear disaster. It is a day remembered for fear, uncertainty & sadness. With the current Fukushima nuclear plant crisis, Chernobyl is looked to for answers, and dare I say it, hope. Russian President Dmitry Medvedev spoke along side Ukrainian President, Viktor Yanukovich at a ceremony to remember the April 26th 1986 disaster. 

Medvedev spoke about the need for transparency when disaster like this happen. "Because the world is so fragile and we are all so inter-connected, any attempts to hide the truth -- to refrain from talking about something publicly, glossing over a situation, making it more optimistic than it is -- these subsequently result in the tragic loss of human lives"

Read more detailed information check out

Monday, April 25, 2011

Disabling Mobile Phone Tracking

We know you've seen it in the news "Location Tracking Mobile Phones" logging your every move. The controversy rages on—Is my phone tracking me? Does "Disabling Tracking" really bar Apple, Google & the like from capturing my data? What is being done with this data? These questions, along with many others, have been met with certain answers.

For now, there are a few steps you should look into if you want to disable these services: simply turn off location services on your iPhone or Android device.
  • In Android, go to Menu > Settings > Location and Location setting.
  • iPhone users: tap Settings > General and turn off location services. To protect the data saved on your computer, plug your iPhone into your computer, select the phone in iTunes, click "Options" and then "Encrypt iPhone backup."

We hope this helps calm your fears, for more information check out Wall Street Journal's article,  "Avoiding Mobile Trackers" We'll be sure to let you know other steps you should take as they arise.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

2011 Training Dates Released

2011 seems to just be flying by, a quarter of the year is already behind us! We want to make sure you don't let any more time escape without fully knowing & understanding your MaintiMizer™ software. Join us for our MaintiMizer™ training sessions and make MaintiMizer™ work harder for you!

Classes are available currently scheduled for 
June 20th-23rd, 2011 & September 19th-22nd, 2011

Classes are available currently scheduled for 
July 11th-14th, 2011 & September 12th-15th, 2011 

As always contact us for more information, we'd love to hear from you: • [734]665-1780 or [800] 366-0793

ProMat 2011 has come to a close. We we're amazed by the  warm reception and positive feedback we received at the show from everyone involved: attendees, exhibitors, and current clients who stopped by the booth. We really could not have asked for a better turn out!  

Getting out and rubbing-elbows with people really sparks excitement within us about what we do. We love to learn about what people need and are looking for in a product. We are even more excited when we know our product, MaintiMizer™, can help you better your business. We know life is busy and if you weren't able to make the show, we would like to extend our 15% ProMat Discount to any MaintiMizer™ software purchased by April 30th 2011.  

We look forward to speaking with you about how we can help you reduce costs, increase productivity and improve quality at your facility, call or email us today! 

All the Best,
Ashcom Technologies Inc.