Thursday, August 26, 2010

To Be or Not to Be: Park51 at Ground Zero

We have all heard the debate about whether or not a Muslim mosque, Park51, should be built at ground zero of the 9/11 tragedy. While I have not wanted to turn this blog into a place for political/social/religious debate I cannot ignore this story and wanted to share a wonderful article on the subject. Until this article, I have seen local/national reporters bring us the latest poles and opinions on TV. I have read several articles in magazines, in papers, and online. Most of them have had the same view point, the same story. Position A vs. Position B. The result: the debater only hearing his/her own voice, ignoring the opposition's point, no matter how poignant or thought provoking it maybe.

I am please to say that I have found a wonderfully written article that takes on a broad spectrum of view points and opinions. Please take the time to read Thanassis Cambanis' article, Looking at Islamic Center Debate, World Sees U.S.

Cambanis' article gave me hope instead of the usual: opponents = "racist, religious intolerants" and supporters = "unsympathetic supporters of terrorism", he broadens the perspective to encapsulate how other parts of the world are viewing America during this controversy. Some view this dispute a credit to our values of freedom, we still are trying to uphold the constitution even though the situation makes it difficult. Others are accustomed to having their government tell them where & what religious views can be practiced and wonder why our government doesn't just say "yes" or "no". There are those who view American's as anti-Muslim & Islam, and those who remind us that Judaism & Christianity are banned in some parts of the world. I just thought this was a thoughtful article and had some new perspectives I haven't heard voiced during this dilemma. I hope you find it as enlightening as I did. May the world find PEACE.

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