According to John D. Sutter's CNN article, several sources estimate that in less than a year we will have exhausted the 4 Billion IP addresses currently avalible. Researchers have been creating IPv6 for over a decade which will increase the number of IP addresses to 340 trillion trillion trillion (yes, that's correct this is not a typo for the full report please check out my link to ICANN). Bravo! for the foresight to start working on a solution before we used up all the addresses! However, that doesn't clear us from all the problem seems to stem from slow adaptation of the new system. IPv6 & IPv4 (current system) are not compatible, making it difficult to transition from the old to the new. While this is not time sensitive like Y2K, it still does have a foreboding presence. Only time will tell what will come of this. Will we get on board with the new system quickly & efficiently or will we drag our heels and wait until the last possible second to embrace IPv6? I hope we choose the later. Our society loves new technology like smartphones, iPads, computers, & TV's, lets embrace this technology & see where it takes us, we'll probably like it if we give it a chance! Besides in the not too far distant future we won't have a choice!
Read the entire article here, or the complete report here.
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