According to Google, the average web search takes 25 seconds; 9 seconds to type our the query, 1 second for Google to return the results, and another 15 seconds for the user to choose which link to click. Google boasts that their new system, Google Instant, will shave off 2 additional seconds off a web search.
I've gotta be honest with you, I didn't think it took too long to display search results, I thought things were fine. I also didn't think I needed a cell phone with a QWERTY keypad when they came out, how wrong was I! I can admit when I'm wrong, and maybe I'm wrong about this too.
Start typing your query in the search box, as you type Google Instant will immediately begin completing what you're typing and will display search results at the bottom of the page. Of course the more you type the closer the results will be. I think the coolest thing about Google Instant is that the results begin populating before you're even done typing, and that's where the real time savings comes in. Google has tried to safeguard this feature for children, for example if you are trying to search "pooh bear" and type in "po" google will not display the results for "porn". Google also gives you the option to disable Google Instant if you don't trust their safeguards or if you simply don't like Instant.
Only through using Instant can you make a determination of liking it or not. I think it's pretty neat & will try it out, at least for a bit. The only thing I don't like about it right now is that the search box on the home page is centered on the page, as soon as you begin entering something into the box it jumps to the top of the screen so that there is space to show the results. The "jump" is jerky and a little distracting. The fix, (& I know Google will resist this suggestion) Change the home page so that the search box is at the top of the page in the first place. Yes this will change their image drastically, the centered, uncluttered home page that we have grown accustom to and that has made Google so successful, but at some point you have to put function over fashion.
For now you can use Instant on Firefox, Internet Explorer, Safari & Chrome. The product is expected to roll out to other browsers & countries in the future. For further information take a look at Doug Gross' article, New Google Instant Shows Search Results as you Type
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