Thursday, September 2, 2010

One more Reason to Dislike Hand Dryers

If you're like me, you've never been a fan of bathroom hand dryers. The reasons can very greatly from being loud, to drying out your skin, to being too hot or too cold, or for making you feel like you just stood in the path of a jet engine. Well, you can add one more item to that list & science will back you up! A recent study showed that drying your hands with paper towel is more hygienic than using electric dryers. In fact, the study said that dryers actually increased the amount of bacteria on hands. YUCK!

Lets think about this, it does make sense, and is it really rocket science? No it isn't, it 's junior high school science. I mean, didn't you ever grow bacteria in petri dishes? Bacteria + Food Source + Warm, Moist Environment = Visible Bacteria Growth.So i guess that we've been pampering our bacteria for all these years. We give them a nice warm shower, then put them in the even warmer sauna (& who doesn't like a sauna?),  and sit back while they multiply like rabbits. If we got out a microscope it might look like spring break on our hands (another equally gross thing to think about)!

I guess the bottom line is if you've had a hand dryer on the fritz, maybe this is a good reason to get rid of it. Don't get me wrong, I'm not all for paper towels either. They may be less germ filled but they also fill up land fills...what's wrong with wet hands anyways, at least you have proof you washed!

For a more in-depth article about this check out Study Finds Electric Hand Dryers Do More Harm Than Good, by Lenard Zilkowsky

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