Singapore Airlines has announced on Tuesday that it will soon offer wireless connections on chosen flights allowing passengers to text message, email and perhaps make actual cell phone calls. This announcement comes after a multi-million dollar collaboration with OnAir, a in-flight connectivity provider, which will offer WiFi and other services. The details are not ironed out yet but Singapore Airlines is planning to roll out the new services early next year once they have decided on what and how they will implement the new technology.
Singapore Airlines flies some of the longest flights in the world including the longest commercial flight from New York to Singapore, an 18.5 hour, 10,371-mile flight. Currently, Singapore is fielding customers to decide if and how they will offer cell phone use in flight. As you may imagine some are pleased to hear the latest development in fully "plugged-in" travel, while others are terrified of the possibility of having to listen to someone speaking too loudly the entirety of the journey. Many options Singapore is entertaining is having cell phone-zones, or conversely, quiet-zones on the plane to try to please as many passengers as possible.
Here are my thoughts:
I understand that a lot of really important business people travel, and travel a lot. I understand that there are split-second decisions that need to be made and often it is these travelers whom have to decide. I love technology and it's ability to keep people connected, what I don't have love for is the lack of manners when using said technology.
Have you ever been waiting in line at a store and watched as a customer made a purchase while on the phone the entire time? You watch the cashier as s/he helplessly tries to make eye contact or find the appropriate moment to give the customer their total or to ask a question.
Have you ever been out at a restaurant and someone sitting at your table whips out their phone to read a text, answer a text, or answer the phone? Do you wonder what is more important or more exciting than your conversation about *fill-in-the-blank*?
Have you ever been sitting in the dentists' quiet waiting room, and all of a sudden you are jolted out of the outdated magazine you're reading to hear all about Stacie's latest drama? Who is Stacie and why is the girl in the waiting room talking so loudly?
If you've never been put off by occurrences such as these maybe you should reevaluate your phone usage or maybe you are just lucky, you have more patience than most. But really, when did it become okay to minimize human interaction? When did a piece of plastic become more important than the people in the room with you? I really have an issue with people who have no idea they are being rude by talking/texting/emailing from their phone. But recently I have become increasing irritated by those who know they are being rude and "apologize" for their behavior, but do not change their actions. Yes, emergencies happen. Yes, if you're brother calls from half-way around the world, excuse yourself and take the call. Yes, there are exceptions, but choose them wisely.
Our obsession with connectivity is inherently making humans connect far less. I can't tell you how many times I've walked through the grocery store and have seen a mother on her phone, ignoring her children (either contained in the cart, or running wild down the aisles). I grocery-shopped with my mother ever Saturday morning growing up and as trivial as the conversations may have been they built a relationship, and a strong one. I fear today's children are missing out on that and all because a piece of plastic and a distant voice or composer is more important.
Travel is stressful. Do we really want to add to that by making people more irritated because they have to listen to Mr. Big-Shot berate his new intern over the phone while in flight? No one on the flight will be able to escape it. I think the answer is instilling norms into our society about technology use in public...who's with me?
Here's my final vote: Cell phone use is inevitable on flights, I just hope that we can all be a little more conscientious and think about how our chats/texts effect the people around us.
Shhh....inside voices, please!
Read more about Singapore Airlines Cell Phone Calls on Flights .
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